Plant some annuals for bright pops of color.
Over the next week as we countdown to Spring, I will be sharing inexpensive, creative, simple ideas inspired by nature that you can easily incorporate to lighten and brighten up your home. Open those windows, let in the sunlight and some fresh air. Let’s get rid of the musty, stale, winter air in our homes and freshen things up!
I know many of you are still in the thick of winter with several feet of snow blanketing everything. Sucks to be you! But spring will come, I promise!
But some of us are blessed with milder temps and the promise of spring is becoming more and more evident every day. Wild flowers are starting to make an appearance, bare tree branches are filled with plump buds just waiting to burst open, and the recent heavy rains have brought a lush emerald green carpet of wild grasses to the hillsides of northern California.

For someone who hates winter and can hardly wait for the warmer months, I am thrilled that winter will be behind us soon! I confess! I am suffering from spring fever!
Take a walk and soak up the beauty of Mother Nature that is just waking up from a long winter nap. There is nothing more beautiful or inspiring than Mother Nature in the spring!

A visit to your local nursery is all you will need for some inspiration. If you are lucky enough to live in the greater Sacramento area of northern California you can visit my favorite nursery, Green Acres.

Once the ground is dry enough to work, and all danger of frost has passed, you will have a good idea of what kinds of flowers you want to plant. Chances are you will have a hard time narrowing your choices down to just one or two kinds of flowers.
A flat of annuals in bright colors is really all you need to plant near your front door. They will fill in and bloom all spring and summer long, up until the first frost in late fall or early winter. Annuals pack a lot of colorful punch that will greet visitors for months to come. That’s a lot of long lasting color and bang for your buck!

Save perennials for the backbone of your garden and plant colorful annuals up close where everyone can see them. Tuck a few into a colorful pot at your front door for some added pops of color. It will bring a smile to everyone’s face when they come to visit you.

creates a stunning combination that would brighten any front door.
Freshening up you front entry doesn’t have to be hard, just use Mother Nature for your inspiration!
Be sure to check back tomorrow for more ideas on how to freshen up your home for spring!