What if you could cook the perfect steak every time? Cooked precisely to the exact doneness you prefer? A tender, juicy, flavorful steak. It’s totally doable when you use the Sous Vide cooking method.
If you are new to the Sous Vide method of cooking, keep reading, but if you are a Sous Vide enthusiast you can scroll down to the bottom of the post for the recipe.
In a nutshell, Sous Vide uses a precise temperature to cook your food to the exact doneness you prefer. Food is sealed in a bag and submerged under water. The Sous Vide controls the temperature of the water to cook your food and produces consistent results every time.
It may seem like a foreign idea, cooking this way. I felt the the same way when I first ventured into Sous Vide cooking. I was doubtful, but after the delicious results I’ve had, I am totally hooked!
My first success was cooking pork chops. Not dry as sawdust pork chops, but tender, moist and juicy chops. They were the best pork chops I ever ate. After that meal I was completely hooked on the Sous Vide cooking method!
Today I want to share an easy way to prepare the tenderest, juiciest New York steaks you have ever eaten. Keep reading for the step by step easy instructions for amazing steaks!

To start, submerge your Sous Vide cooker in a large pot of water and set temperature to 129°. While the water is coming up to temperature, it’s time to prepare the steaks.

Temperature | Doneness |
122 degrees | very rare |
126 degrees | rare |
129 degrees | medium rare |
133 degrees | medium |
140 degrees | medium well |
147 degrees | well done |
154 degrees | shoe leather, toss in the trash 😂 |
Setting the temperature to 129° results in steaks cooked to a medium rare doneness, pink in the middle, with a very tender texture, that’s flavorful and juicy.

Trim off any excess fat and gristle along the edges of the steaks and discard.

Season steaks liberally with salt and pepper.

Preheat a cast iron skillet over high heat. When the skillet is screaming hot add a tablespoon of olive oil and sear steaks for 1 minute adding crushed garlic cloves to the pan. Turn steaks and sear for 1 minute on the other side.

Remove steaks and garlic along with the pan juices to a plate and allow the meat to rest for several minutes.

Place cooled steaks in a 1 gallon Zip lock freezer bag along with garlic cloves, rosemary, bay leaves and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Seal bag squeezing out all the excess air and fully submerge bag in preheated water.
Thickness | Cook Time |
1/2 inch | 30 minutes |
3/4 inch | 45 minutes |
1 inch | 1 hour |
1 1/2 inches | 1 1/2 hours |
2 inches | 2 hours |
Cook according the the thickness of the steaks. Remove bag from water.
Remove steaks from the bag and pat dry with a paper towel.

Preheat a cast iron skillet over high heat. When skillet is screaming hot add a tablespoon of butter.
Sear steaks for 1 minute on each side spooning butter onto the steaks as they sear.
Remove steaks from heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes before carving.

I guarantee you that these will be the best steaks you have ever eaten! All the hype about Sous Vide cooking is true! It produces the juiciest most flavorful tender steaks you will ever eat. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed! I promise!