Temps hit the triple digits a couple weeks ago and with it came an algae bloom in our backyard pond. Normally I would look to an algaecide to get the algae under control, but I hate using chemical solutions unless absolutely necessary. Plus we recently added a few goldfish to the pond and I didn’t want to kill them by adding toxic chemicals to the water. Do you have algae issues that you are trying to get under control? There is actually a better way than using expensive chemicals.

I’m embarrassed to share these pictures. The algae got totally out of control while I was on vacation! The fish however, were loving it. I think they grew two inches while I was gone. An endless buffet of fresh food for them, but it got so bad you could barely find the fish in the pond.

Then the water flow for the fountain slowed down to a bare trickle. The algae was clogging the pumps. It was high time to address the algae problem. I first tried scooping it out with a pond skimmer. That turned out to be quite ineffective. There was just too darn much algae, and much of it was rooted to the bottom of the pond.

Then I remembered seeing a video somewhere online a while back for how to control algae in your pool without using toxic chemicals. I filed it away in my head and now was the time to actually give it a try. I had nothing to lose except about $4 and a whole lotta algae! Here’s what you need:
- Empty pill bottle
- (2) copper pipe fittings
- Drill with a large drill bit
Start by washing out an empty plastic pill bottle like this one.

Select a bottle that is big enough to hold the copper pipe fittings.

Use a drill to drill holes in the bottle, like this. Drill several holes all around the sides, through the lid and on the bottom of the bottle as well.

Place copper pipe fittings in the bottle.

Screw on the lid and submerge the pill bottle in the water.

Below is what the water looks like after just two weeks. I did have to clean out the pump filters to get the water flowing again, and I skimmed off a bunch of algae from the surface of the water. Yes there’s still algae in the very bottom of the pond, but it’s definitely better than it was just a couple of weeks ago. I can actually see the fish and most of the pebbles at the bottom, that’s a huge improvement!!! Plus the neon green colored water is gone…hurray!

Instead of being distracted by neon green sludge I can now enjoy the best features of our pond like the beautiful blooming Lilly pad flowers.

And enjoy the lovely calming sound of trickling water from the fountain.

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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!