Use linen spray for your bedding.
I recently came across this linen spray and started using it each day when I make the bed, and I’m loving it!
Who doesn’t love the smell of freshly laundered sheets? But after a couple days the sheets have lost that wonderful fresh scent. Using a linen spray keeps your sheets and bedding smelling like they were just washed.
I picked ups a citrus breeze scent which has a lovely fresh scent for spring. Next time I am going to try a lavender scented linen spray that will provide a lovely scent and promote a good nights sleep.

Lavender is one of the most used essential oils because it it has been proven to be a powerful antioxidant with antimicrobial properties. It has sedattative, calming effects and anti-depressive properties.
Lavender has been shown to provide the following benefits:
- Reduces anxiety and stress.
- Improves sleep.
- Relieves pain.
- Alleviates headaches.
- Improves brain function.
- Helps to heal burns and wounds.
- Protects against diabetes symptoms.
- Restores skin complexion and reduces acne.
- Slows aging with powerful antioxidants.
Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils in the world. It has so many beneficial properties, why wouldn’t you want to use it? It’s not only beneficial for you body, but it smells great and has so many great benefits for your home as well.
A lavender linen spray will keep your bedding fresh with it’s pleasant scent. It will keep your sheets smelling fresh between laundering with its antimicrobial properties, and help you get a restful nights sleep with its natural calming properties.