Organize your closet.
Does an avalanche of clothes come crashing down on you when you open your closet doors? Do you have trouble finding anything in your closet? Is everything wrinkled because your closet is stuffed to the gills?
Maybe it’s time to take stock and purge some of your unused and unloved clothes. If truth be told, our closets often hold more than just our clothes.
To organize your closet you will need to set aside a good chunk of time, several hours. Take everything, and I mean everything, out of your closet and place it on your bed. Store items that don’t belong in your closet to another area of your house, some place where it makes more sense to store it.
Go through each item, one item at a time and decide if it is really something you still love and if you will actually wear it again. Try it on. Does it still fit? Is it uncomfortable? Is it stained, ripped, missing buttons? Be brutal, and purge, purge, purge.
TIP: If you struggle getting rid of items you could try this method. Turn every hanger backwards in your closet. When you wear an item and return it to your closet, turn the hanger around so it is not backwards anymore. After one year, donate any clothing that is still on a backwards hanging hanger.

TIP: Organize items from light to dark, all the tops together, all the pants together, dresses together, jackets and blazers together. It will not only look better, it will help you when you are getting dressed in the morning if like items are all grouped together by color.
There is something so satisfying when you open your closet door and you are greeted by a neat and organized closet. You can easily see what you have, its easier to get dressed in the morning when you can find what you want to wear, and your clothes won’t be all wrinkled if they are not crammed into your closet.

Every morning when you open your closet door and you are greeted by a neat and organized closet, you are going to smile. I guarantee, organizing your closet will elevate your day!