Diffuse essential oils.
When you walk into your house do you get hit with a funky smell? There have been times when our house just smells like yuck. The culprit is usually something in the garbage disposal.
TIP: Cut up a lemon and grind it up in the garbage disposal and the funky smell goes away.
We got an awful surprise after we got home from a two week vacation. When we walked through the front door we thought perhaps the cats had dragged something into the house and it had died. It was so bad we had to open all the windows and doors to air out the house.
I searched high and low and finally came across what was causing the horrific smell. About 1/2 a dozen plates stacked in the cupboard with my sons uneaten breakfasts. Do you know how bad this smells after 2 weeks in the hot summer heat?

I’m getting dry heaves just remembering about how bad it smelled!
All winter long our windows are closed to keep out the cold, and the air in our home can get a little stale. Now that the weather is warming up it’s so nice to be able to open those windows and let in the fresh air.
Baking cookies, or baking a loaf of bread is another great way to bring a wonderful scent into your home. Click here to learn how to bake your own bread. It’s easier than you think. The only scent I think I might like even more is coffee brewing first thing in the morning.

I love to burn scented candles but you cannot leave them unattended. Diffusing essential oils adds a lovely fragrance to your home with out having to worry about an open flame. Go find an essential oil in your favorite fragrance and diffuse it for a real treat. There’s something so nice about walking into your home when it smells fresh. It immediately elevates your everyday.
What’s your favorite fragrance? How do you like to freshen the air in your home? What is your favorite tip? I would love to get some more ideas!