Give thanks.
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in getting things checked off our “to-do” list and chasing after all the things we want in our lives that we forget about all the blessings we already have.

Today I am challenging you to slow down and spend a few minutes focusing on all the blessings you have in your life right now. I want you to shift your focus from what you want in your life, to what you already have in your life.

I’m thankful for my health, for my family and my friends that make my life worth living. I’m thankful that I never want for food or water and I have enough to keep my family fed, and clothed and we have a beautiful home that protects us and keeps us warm and dry and safe.
I’m thankful for you; that you come to read my blog, that you are interested in what I have to share. You are a blessing to me, and I thank you for visiting!

What are you thankful for in your life? Shifting your focus from what you want to what you already have is the easiest way to elevate the everyday.