All the Christmas decorations have been stored away and all the abundance that goes along with it often leaves a feeling of emptiness in our homes. I have a confession to make, as much as I adore Christmas and decorating for the holidays, when January rolls around I am more than ready to pack it all up.
I love returning to a more streamlined, spacious, open feel in my home post holidays. I enjoy the simplicity of winter decor. The easy relaxed atmosphere with less.
An understated, cozy, inviting look is easier to create in your home than you might think. After the over the top abundance of Christmas decorations it’s nice to transition into winter with just a few simple touches.

Today I want to share a few easy ideas that you can incorporate in your home that will create a cozy inviting feel during the cold winter months ahead.

I may not live where it snows but, we do have the cold, the rain, the fog and short dreary days to contend with until spring. No matter where you are if you are hunkering down for the winter, I have some easy tips to help you make the most of it.
One of the easiest ways to add interest to your home no matter what season is by adding texture. Cue the pinecones! Pinecones aren’t just for Christmas decor. They add a natural element to your interior and loads of texture and interest to your decor at any time of the year.

Corks are another textural element that will add interest to your decor. Start saving those corks when you open that next bottle of wine and use them as decor in your home.

Candles are always a welcome addition for your interior when the days are short.

Candles create an intimate environment and add instant coziness once the sun goes down.

Mercury glass adds a bit of shimmer when the days are short. Some added sparkle is always welcome on a dreary day.

Incorporate a bit of greenery. Plants will add some much needed life to a dreary interior. Pick an easy to grow plant like a Pothos to add some interest to your living space.

Throws will add instant “cozy” to your space. There’s nothing more inviting than a fluffy blanket to cuddle under on a cold winter day.

Light a fire. A fire will draw you into a room and chase away the cold winter chill. A crackling fire will draw you in like a moth to a flame.

Winter may be cold, dark and dreary but you can easily make it more inviting and cozy by incorporating some of these easy items in your decor. Hunkering down with a good book under a warm blankie next to a crackling fire will make the next few months so much more tolerable.

Let me know if you incorporate any of these easy elements into your interiors. I promise they will make the long winter months ahead so much more tolerable!
Is it spring yet?