What was I thinking? Back in early spring while I was perusing all the pepper and tomato plant starts I decided to grow not one, not two, not even just three spicy varieties of peppers. I decided on four varieties; Poblano (kinda spicy), Pepperoncini (a little more spicy), Jalapeño (pretty darn spicy) and Thai chili peppers (fire breathing dragon spicy hot). I then implemented a few Electroculture antenna in my little home garden that seem to have worked exceptionally well. All of a sudden, I had a bumper crop of peppers. I had more spicy peppers on hand all at once than I knew what to do with.

If you’re wondering about Electroculture; What Is It? How To Use It In Your Garden. Find out exactly what it is and how you can easily use it in your own home garden to increase yields. It’s an ancient technique that’s affordable and completely organic.

Good To Know: Farmer’s Markets are a great place to find organic peppers for a good price when they are in season.
Perhaps you happen to be in the same boat as me with a plethora of spicy peppers or you picked some up at your local Farmer’s Market. If you’re wondering what to do with all of them, you are going to love this easy recipe to make your very own hot sauce. Depending on the type of peppers you are using will determine if you have a slightly spicy hot sauce like Tobasco or Fire Breathing Dragon hot sauce like mine.

Wash peppers with cold water and drain.

Chop off all the stems.

Place all the peppers in the bowl of a food processor.

Pulse until roughly chopped. You can chop them by hand if you don’t have a food processor. The food processor just makes quick work of this step.

Place the chopped peppers, vinegar and Kosher salt in a sauce pan.

Stir to combine.

Bring the mixture to a boil over medium high heat. Once the mixture comes to a boil reduce heat slightly to keep the mixture at a simmer. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After the mixture has simmered for five minutes remove the pan from the heat. Cover the pan and allow the mixture to cool completely to room temperature.

Place the cooled pepper sauce in a blender and purée the mixture until you have a thick liquid sauce.

Transfer this mixture to an air tight container.

Seal and refrigerate for 14 days.

After 2 weeks, place a mesh strainer over a bowl and strain the liquid into the bowl.

Use the back of a rubber spatula or a spoon to gently press the liquid through the stainer. Discard the peppers. They have imparted their flavor and spiciness to the party and we no longer need them.

Use a funnel to transfer the strained hot sauce into a bottle.

Store hot sauce in the fridge in an airtight bottle for up to one year.

This has turned into one of my very favorite ways to preserve the plethora of peppers from my summer garden. No complicated canning involved either!
Movie over Tobasco sauce, outta the way Cholula (my personal favorite), this homemade version of hot sauce blows them all away! It’s amazing the amount of flavor you get from just three simple ingredients and two weeks of marinating time in the fridge. This bottle will hopefully last us until next summer when I harvest some more spicy hot peppers.
Making your own hot sauce is not only easy to make, but when you use peppers you have grown in your own garden you know that there are no artificial ingredients, additives or chemical pesticides lurking in that bottle of hot sauce. You can feel good about serving this hot sauce to your family.
The Thai Chili Peppers I used give this hot sauce its “Fire Breathing Dragon” level of outrageous spiciness. Use whatever harvest you have from your garden. Red peppers will result in the prettiest red colored hot sauce, but you could use any peppers you have on hand. Depending on what kind of peppers you use will determine how spicy your hot sauce will be. It’s fun to play around with different varieties to see what you will end up with. This method is easy enough to do. Go on and give it a try, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how simple it is to make a tasty homemade hot sauce using the bounty from your garden.
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Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!
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