What exactly is functional decor? Functional decor is the opposite of using themed tchotchkes, knickknacks, and collections to accessorize your home. It’s the opposite of having every item carefully selected to work with a particular theme. When everything, down to the smallest detail is used to create a specific theme, the look can quickly become overwhelming and feel contrived.

Today I want you to consider a completely different approach to decorating your home. I want to talk about functional decor and show you exactly what it is and how you can use it to decorate your home. In a nutshell, functional decor is using items that you use in your day to day life and curating those items in attractive ways to use as decorative accents in your home. It’s my favorite way to accessorize my home!
It’s an inexpensive way to accessorize your home. You are using items you already own so there’s no need to go out and purchase anything new. Group items together into vignettes to create focal points. Select only one or two spots in a room to create a vignette so it doesn’t become clutter. Functional decor should be the curated accents in the room that give it character and charm, not clutter and chaos.

Instead of purchasing loads of decorative items for your home look at the items you use each and everyday. Group them together and display them in an appealing way to create decor that’s both attractive and functional. Take for example my kitchen island. I have a wooden spool of jute twine, a cut crystal dish filled with honey, a mason jar with homemade spices and a lovely little planter filled with easy to care for succulents that are grouped together to create a small vignette on my kitchen island.

During the summer months make a large pitcher of sun tea and display it on your counter. Place it on a tray with a few crystal glasses to create a functional accent. Or display it in an attractive glass drink dispenser on the counter. The rich amber color of the tea looks beautiful in the light. Not only does it serve as decor, but it’s functional as well. Ask my teenager! He serves up glass after glass for himself all summer long.

Ditch the sugar laden drinks this summer. Learn How to Make Sun Tea so you can enjoy it all summer long. It’s so tasty and refreshing during the hot summer months.

An old teapot holds Pothos cuttings. Once they root the cuttings can be transplanted into a pot with soil.

A cake stand filled with freshly baked cookies is another item that works beautifully as functional decor.

Your kitchen is the perfect place to start using functional decor. Just think outside the box; how can you repurpose ordinary kitchen objects in unexpected ways? A ceramic milk jug would make the perfect vase for fresh flowers. Use an old flour sifter for propagating plant cuttings. Pop a glass jar filled with water inside the sifter and add a few cuttings. It will look lovely while you’re starting new plants. Propagating new plants can look beautiful. A win-win for sure.

Learn How To Propagate Pothos. It’s so very easy to turn one Pothos plant into dozens of plants. All it takes is a little know how and some patience. This easy to grow plant will look beautiful in your home, no matter what your style is.

An inexpensive bouquet of fresh flowers from the grocery store is always a beautiful accent. Display them in a silver pitcher or your favorite vase for a lovely accent.

Pitchers are perfect for propagating cuttings; plus they look beautiful. Greenery always adds a lovely natural, organic softness to your home. Add greenery wherever you can; either with plants or fresh flowers.

A few pieces of fruit displayed in a simple white ceramic bowl is a timeless accent that never goes out of style. Not only is it functional decor, but it’s edible too, yum!

Lean cutting boards against the backsplash in your kitchen to hide unsightly electrical outlets. Not only will you be able to see and appreciate their rich wood tones but displaying them vertically frees up valuable cupboard space and keeps them within arms reach when you need them.

Keep your cutting boards looking their best. Learn The Proper Care & Handling of Wood Cutting Boards so they will stay looking beautiful for many years to come.

Functional decor is an affordable and beautiful way to decorate your home. It looks effortless and not contrived. It just makes sense to use your everyday items in creative and beautiful ways. There really is no need to purchase tons of tchotchkes that will only add clutter. Instead use everyday items as beautiful decorative accents in your home. Just think outside the box and look at unique ways to use those everyday items in different, creative, new ways.
How Are You Using Items In New Ways ?

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For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!