Man oh man are these little buggers good! Don’t let their diminutive size fool you into thinking that they are any less flavorful than their full-sized counterparts. The small size makes them perfect as an appetizer. Anyone looking for a crowd pleasing appetizer to serve up for their Super Bowl party? The Chinese New Year is just a few days away, these would be perfect for the celebrations! Not only will they be the first appetizer to disappear, but their fantastic flavor makes them perfect served up as the main star on your dinner plate too.

Go gather together all the ingredients so we can make these, right now. Go on, I’ll wait…
What makes these riblets so darn stinking cute is their small finger-food size. Save your self a lot of unnecessary work and ask the butcher to cut a rack of ribs in half for you. Right down the middle. I’ve served these riblets twice in the last week. Yes they are that good and ribs were on sale this week, the perfect time to make them! Gotta love a good sale! The butcher was more than happy to cut them in half for me when I asked.

Once you get them home, rinse them under cold water and pat them dry. I like to remove the silver skin using a sharp paring knife. You end up with more tender ribs if you do this, but it’s not absolutely necessary.

Cut the ribs into individual riblets using a sharp knife. Cut through the meaty portion, right between each bone.
Bring a large pot of water and a tablespoon of salt to a rolling boil.

Once water comes to a boil, place riblets into the water and boil them for 30 minutes.

Drain and let riblets cool down.

While the riblets cool down, get out a mixing bowl. Combine honey, soy sauce, minced garlic, hoisin sauce, dry mustard and vinegar. Stir together.
Marinate riblets in the sauce overnight in the fridge. I like to marinate in a plastic baggie, it makes moving the riblets around in the bag to make sure they all get coated with the marinade easy to do. Smoosh the bag around a few times while they marinate overnight, to make sure that the marinade coats each and every riblet.
Adjust oven rack to 4 inches below the heating element and set oven temperature to broil.
Place riblets on a broiler pan. Baste riblets with marinade and cook under broiler for 3-4 minutes.

Use tongs to turn the riblets over and baste them with additional marinade.

Broil riblets for another 3-4 minutes until they are heated through and browned along the edges. Discard any excess marinade.
Serve with lots of napkins!

These riblets will disappear faster than you can say, “Are there any more?” So very easy to make, and oh so delicious to eat. Their small size makes eating a pile of them no problem! Just be sure to have plenty of napkins on hand. A huge shout out to for the inspiration for this tasty keeper of a recipe!
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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!