Trash to Treasure: Garden Upcycling DIY

I love a good hunt! Especially a good hunt on the cheap! Over the years I have found countless treasures mixed in amongst the trash. You just have to keep a sharp eye out and learn to look past the grime to find them. Look at the lines of a piece, the finish can always easily be changed with a can of spray paint.

On a recent trip to my favorite thrift store I stumble upon an old metal Sears toolbox. I loved the simple clean lines and the bright red color. No spray painting would be needed for this project. But what to do with it?

I couldn’t pass it up, regularly $10 I scored this puppy on sale at 75% off, for only $2.50. It was just too good of a deal not to grab this baby!

I picked up these bright Primroses at my favorite nursery and I knew exactly what I wanted do with my latest find, turn it into a charming planter.

This project will take you less than 10 minutes to put together. The hardest part for me was finding the right drill bits in my garage so I could drill some drainage holes in the bottom of the tool box.

Once you have drilled a few drainage holes in the bottom of your container, fill it with soil.

Plant the flowers in the soil. Water in the plants and you are all done! Easy peasy!

That turquoise watering can would make a cute planter too, don’t you think?

I think it looks utterly charming on the bakers rack in my front entry. It’s such a bright cheerful pop of color as you approach the front door. I think it will make visitors smile when they come to visit!

TIP: Pack plants in tightly for an instant full look.

Look around your garage, you may already have something that you can use as a planter. You just have to look at items with a different eye and think outside the box!

While I was putting my new toolbox planter on the bakers rack I trimmed back the Spider Plants on the bottom shelf and saved several little babies.

I popped them in a small terra cotta pot.

It will hang out on my kitchen window sill where I can easily water it and keep the soil moist until the roots take hold in a couple of weeks.

Slide plain terra cotta pots into decorative containers for a stylish look that matches your decor.

Don’t you just love free plants? I do!!!

This little guy will make such a nice little hostess gift the next time I pop over to a friends house.

Remember you don’t have to spend a fortune to add charming accents to your home. With a little time and creativity you can add unique accents to your home for just a few dollars.

Now get out there and have some fun poking round your favorite thrift store. The next sunny day, go get your hands dirty!

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