Tomatoes are one vegetable that you will find in most gardens. They’re sweet and juicy and oh so very delicious! Plus they are also very versatile for use in all your favorite recipes and salads. Let’s be honest, is there any vegetable in the garden more beloved than vine ripened tomatoes fresh off the vine? Go on…I’ll wait…

Tomatoes are sun lovers. They thrive in the heat as long as they receive ample water. Even if you have plenty of sun and water regularly you can still have less than stellar results growing tomatoes in your garden. To increase yields, tomatoes also need a healthy dose of potassium during the growing season. It’s been shown that tomatoes grown with good levels of potassium have less fruit ripening problems than those grown with low levels of potassium.

An easy way to provide a good source of potassium is to use banana peels. The next time your enjoying a banana don’t toss out those peels.

Not a fan of bananas? How about using them to bake up a loaf of this tasty Butterscotch Banana Bread like this one. Be sure to save those banana peels!!!

Roughly chop up banana peels.

If you haven’t already planted your garden, bury the chopped banana peels in the soil and plant your tomato plants on top of the buried peels. Is your garden already planted? No need to despair, you can still use banana peels to increase your tomato harvest. Using a hand trowel, dig a trench, just a few inches deep, next to or in between planted tomato plants. Be careful not to harm the roots of your plants.

Drop in those chopped up banana peels into the trench and cover them with dirt.

Water in well so those peels can start releasing some potassium into the soil right at the roots of your tomato plants.

Every time you water your tomato plants, those buried banana peels will slowly decompose, releasing potassium into the soil all summer long. Those nutrients will leach into the soil right where the roots of your tomato plants can drink them up. No fancy, expensive fertilizers needed to grow red, ripe juicy sweet tomatoes this summer.

Go ahead and give this tip a try and let me know if you end up with a bumper crop of tomatoes this year. Be sure to let me know what you end up doing with your tomato bounty all summer long.
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And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!
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