These cookies are da BOMB! Cindy is famous in our circle of friends for these delicious cookies. They are so good she has to ration them out. I could easily eat a dozen of them in one sitting, especially when they are still warm. Wash them down with an ice cold glass of milk…it’s about as close to heaven as you can get here on earth! Did I say that these cookies are da BOMB?!?!? The Girl Scout’s? They got nothing on Cindy’s cookies. Move over Thin Mints, just sayin…

It’s kinda dangerous how ridiculously easy these cookies are to make. I could easily make them on a daily basis but then I wouldn’t fit through the doorways of my house…slight problem, right? Besides I can’t afford a new wardrobe to accommodate an ever expanding waistline. Trying to stay strong and resist the urge to go into the kitchen and bake some up right now! Don’t say you weren’t warned!!!

Preheat oven to 375℉.
While the oven is preheating, sift together flour, baking soda and salt into a large bowl. Set aside.
In another large mixing bowl beat together butter, sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla until smooth and creamy.
Add eggs, one at a time, and stir until well combined with all the ingredients.

Gradually stir in sifted flour mixture.
Stir in chocolate chips and chopped walnuts.
Scoop dough into 1 inch balls and place them 2 inches apart on a cookie sheet. A cookie scooper makes quick work of this and produces cookies that are all the same size so they cook up evenly in the oven.

Top each cookie with five M&M’s lightly pressing them into the top of each ball of dough. Not four, not six, just five. Five is the perfect amount! Aren’t they pretty? So festive!

Bake cookies for 9-11 minutes or until light golden brown. Soft in the center and crisp along the outer most edges. Remove cookies from the oven and cool them on the cookie sheet for 2 minutes.

After 2 minutes, use a spatula to transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. Or start eating them right away!

Go ahead, pour yourself a tall glass of milk and start chowing down! You’ll be glad you have the milk when you’re burning the roof of your mouth. You can thank me later! I’m so blessed to have a fellow foodie friend like Cindy in my life! Does life get any better than good friends enjoying each others company, enjoying good food? Add a glass of good wine or a flute of champagne and the laughs and good times are sure to follow.

These are seriously some of the tastiest cookies you will ever eat. The nuts give them more body and keeps them from being overly sweet. These cookies aren’t like the cloyingly sweet treats that you can pick up at the grocery store bakery. You know the ones that are so sickeningly sweet they make your teeth ache and give you a stomach ache? Maybe it’s not a good thing these cookies are so darn good because the only thing that will stop the feeding frenzy when they come out of the oven is your full belly protesting. Or the roof of your mouth peeling off because you couldn’t control yourself when these cookies came out of the oven, piping hot…LOL!!!
I don’t know if I should thank Cindy for this recipe or curse her? I’ve had to resort to wearing stretchy pants all the time now…sigh. More of me to love. I’ll think on it while I have another cookie…
Did You Make These?

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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!
These are some of the best cookies I’ve ever had! Thank you for sharing Cindy’s recipe! Yum, Yum! You really can’t just eat one! They’re that good!
Yes my waistline agrees! These cookies are “can’t stop eating them” delicious!