I must confess I have been known to eat these noodles at all times of the day. They are so easy to make and so delicious there really isn’t any excuse not to make them whenever the mood strikes. And once you try them you will find any excuse to make them. For me that is often!
I have been known to make a trip to the supermarket just to pick up fresh green onions just so I could make these noodles. They aren’t the same without the zip from the green onions. So be sure to add the green onions, it’s pretty much non-negotiable.
I stumbled upon this recipe years ago on the Pioneer Woman’s website. A big shout out and a huge thank you to Ree Drummond for this utterly divine recipe!!! They appear on my table often where you will find me shamelessly snarfing them down!
I love them just plain and simple, because sometimes simple really is the best. Life is complicated enough so there is no need to make this recipe complicated too. It’s the perfect midnight snack, after school treat, or as a light lunch option. BEWARE: they are totally addictive!

I’ve added chicken to make this a complete meal and added various vegetables that needed using from the fridge. Slices of red bell pepper, snap peas, water chestnuts, bean sprouts, bits of broccoli, sliced carrots, celery, cilantro or mushrooms all pair really well with the spicy, sweet, savory Asian sauce that coats these noodles. Make them fancier by topping with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds.
These noodles are the perfect side to my favorite Sticky Chinese Spareribs. You can easily whip this up while the Spareribs cook in the oven.
It only takes ten minutes to make these noodles. So gather together the ingredients and get that pot of water boiling on the stove already!

Cook a package of your favorite spaghetti noodles according to the directions on the box.

While the noodles are cooking, chop the green onions and make the dressing.

The easiest way to make the dressing is to place all the ingredients in a glass jar and give it a good shake to combine.

This dressing is what gives a bowl of plain old boring noodles their yummy Asian deliciousness.

Drain cooked noodles.

Pour the dressing over the noodles.

Stir to coat all the noodles with the dressing.

Top with a generous sprinkle of green onions and stir to combine.

All that’s left to do is…DIG IN!!! Please be polite and try to avoid making snarfing sounds as you shovel these in your mouth if you are around other people 😂

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