We are in the thick of cold and flu season and it seems like everyone around me is getting sick and feeling just plain awful. Knock on wood, I haven’t had a cold or the flu in several years but I can still remember how crappy I felt when I did get sick. It’s no fun at all!!! My heart goes out to anyone who is feeling sick right now. Hopefully today’s post will provide you some relief and get you feeling better, sooner than later.
I did a little research, ok I did a bunch of research to see if there are any natural remedies that can lessen the severity and the duration of the common cold or flu. I was looking for something that I could easily make using regular items that I could either get from my own garden or purchase at my local market.

I found out that grapefruits and lemons contain a component called Quinine and it has loads of uses. Here are just a few of them…it’s along list, holy smokes, who knew?
- Analgesic – A medication that reduces or eliminates pain.
- Anesthetic – Something that brings relief.
- Anti-Arrhythmic – Prevent or alleviate irregularities in the force or rhythm of the heart.
- Antibacterial – Destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria.
- Antimalarial – Prevents or relieves the symptoms of malaria.
- Antimicrobial – Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.
- Antiparasitic – Destroys or inhibits the growth and reproduction of parasites.
- Antipyretic – Fever reducer.
- Antiseptic – Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
- Antisposmodic – Good against spasms.
- Antiviral – Destroys or inhibits the growth and reproduction of viruses.
- Bactericide – Destroys bacteria.
- Febrifuge – Mitigates or removes fever.
- Fungicide – Destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi.
- Insecticide – Kills insects.
- Nervine – Used to treat nervous diseases.
WOW, that’s a pretty powerful compound! What’s even better is that you can extract this compound from the skins of citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruit.
If you feel like you may have a cold or flu coming on cook up a batch of homemade Quinine and start drinking it throughout the day to reduce the length and the severity of your cold and flu symptoms.
Research shows that taking Zinc along with Quinine helps push the Zinc into your cells which will result in faster healing.
Since we are using the skins of these lemons and grapefruits, start by washing the fruit well. I used 2 grapefruits and 3 lemons.

Cut away the rind, we are only going to use the rinds to make the Quinine. I used a paring knife to do this.

Place the rinds in a pan and add enough water to cover all the rinds by at least 2 to 3 inches of water.

Place the pan on the stove and bring this mixture to a boil.

Once the mixture comes to a boil, cover the pan, reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 2 hours.
No peeking!!! The steam that is produced while the rinds simmer is what contains the highest concentration of the Quinine compound.
After two hours turn off the heat and allow the mixture to come to room temperature. Again no peeking! We want all the steam to stay in the pan so we get the maximum concentration of Quinine possible from those lovely peels.

Once the mixture has cooled to room temperature, strain off the liquid.

Discard the rinds. The rinds have imparted their healing goodness and we no longer need them.

Store quinine in a sealed container in the refrigerator and use within a few days.

I like to drink my homemade Quinine as a tea. I add a couple ounces of the Quinine to a cup of hot water and add a touch of honey to cut down on the bitterness. It can be quite beneficial to drink this tea on a daily basis during cold and flu season.

If you are feeling especially sick and very congested, take a tablespoon of the Quinine, straight, every couple of hours to help loosen and bring the phlegm up from your lungs.

*Disclaimer, I am not a doctor and the information I am sharing with you is in no way intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases. Always consult with your doctor for any medical questions before trying any home remedies to ensure that it is safe for you to use.
🛑 STOP! Don’t toss out those lemons and grapefruits. Use them to make an all natural simmering potpourri. Cut them into large chunks and toss them into a slow cooker. Add some Rosemary sprigs and water and simmer away. It will leave your house smelling citrusy fresh!

I have a small slow cooker that I use specifically for simmering potpourris. Portion out excess citrus chunks into plastic baggies and store them in your fridge. Use them in simmering potpourris within 4-5 days.

When you hear a friend or family member is suffering from a bad cold or the flu, why not take them some Quinine?

If you are feeling under the weather I hope this simple all natural, organic remedy gets you feeling better soon! Let me know if you decide to give this all natural remedy a try and what results you experience.
Did You Try This All Natural Remedy?

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The Lord our God is one Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!