Have you been dragging your feet putting out Valentine’s day decor? Has time gotten away from you? Maybe you have just decided that you don’t have the time this year to put up any decor for Valentine’s day. No need to fret, there is still plenty of time. I have some super simple ideas that take less than a couple of minutes. Easy ideas that will add a bit of color and romance to your home and make your valentine feel extra special.
Nothing says Valentine’s day like the color red. Getting a Valentine’s day vibe in your home is as easy as adding in a few pops of red for an instant nod to the holiday.
Start with a few throw pillows and cozy blanket on your sofa.

TIP: Shop your home for items that you already have. Pull out some of the red textiles that you typically use for Christmas. Shhhh…if you don’t tell, I won’t tell that you are repurposing your Christmas items. Nobody has to know.
On your next trip to the grocery store pick up a bouquet of fresh red flowers. Pop them in your favorite vase or a pretty pitcher for an instant pop of color and red hot romance.

Use items you already have in unexpected ways. Like this ceramic popcorn bowl. It makes a great container for a houseplant and adds a vibrant pop of red.

Add in pops of red around your home. Look around your home for spots where you can easily add a pop of color. All that’s needed on the table below is a romantic meal for Valentine’s day.

Remember you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Just tweak vignettes you already have in your home by adding a small touch that gives a nod to the holiday. I added the red container and plant to the vignette I already had on my kitchen table.
If you need some help with creating vignettes around your home you can read all about how to easily create them here. I walk you though how to do it easily and provide you with lot’s of ideas to get your creative juices going.
I swapped out a wooden cutting board under the mercury glass candle holder and replaced it with a red book in this transitional vignette on my sofa table. The trick is to pick a color and then sprinkle it around the room. It will keep the eye moving around the room and create a sense of flow.

Not sure what a transitional vignette is? Take a look at this post to learn how to use transitional decor in your home. It’s one of the easiest ways to decorate your home when you aren’t decorating for a specific holiday. Instead of just decorating your house for the next upcoming holiday, decorate it with transitional decor.
Create inviting destinations like this cozy reading nook in the corner of your family room. Adding a red buffalo plaid lumbar pillow and a red plaid throw instantly creates a cozy romantic spot to relax.

A pop of red at my front door greets visitors and sets the tone for the upcoming holiday. It’s a nod to Valentine’s day in a cheerful but elegant, understated way, not in a kitschy, hearts and cupids shooting arrows everywhere, contrived kind of way.

You will be amazed at how ridiculously easy it is to upcycle a thrift store find with this trash to treasure DIY. If you are interested in how to do this DIY you can read about how to easily convert an old metal toolbox into this fun colorful planter here.
Adding the same color in strategic spots throughout your home will give it a cohesive, pulled together, festive holiday look.

When Valentine’s day arrives all you need is a warm cozy fire and a nice bottle of wine and you’ve got it covered.

It really doesn’t have to take a lot of time and energy to add some Valentine’s day romance to your home for the holiday. Nor does it have to cost you an arm and a leg to do it. Shop your home, use items you already have in creative ways, stick to a color scheme and keep it simple.
All that’s left is to relax and enjoy the evening with your sweetheart.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!