One of my absolute favorite veggies to use in my cooking are green onions. I love their peppery sharp bite when added to my favorite recipes. I love using them as a garnish on many dishes too. They are on my grocery list almost every single week. It’s so frustrating when I pull out a bunch of green onions from the fridge and they are wilted and on their last leg.
So I decided to see if I could propagate green onions from the roots that I typically cut off from the ends and toss in the trash. I placed the ends in a small dish with water and set it on the counter in my kitchen window.
After just one day I noticed new growth!

I was pleasantly surprised to see how quickly they grew!
The longer pieces started showing new growth sooner than the shorter pieces. I recommend leaving about an inch of the onion with the roots for best results when propagating new plants.

After about a week, once the cuttings were well on their way, I transplanted them in soil.
I placed the pot with these little lovelies outside in my garden. I kept them in a bright, shady spot until they settled in. After the first week outside, I placed them in a spot that gets more sun. I water them when the soil feels dry to the touch. During the hottest summer days I water them each day. With regular watering they took off and after about 3 weeks I had a lovely bunch of green onions!

Now when I need green onions for a recipe, I just head out to my garden and pull out what I need. Trim off the roots, pop them in water and start the process all over again. You will always have fresh green onions all summer long when you need them for a recipe.

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For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!