My beautiful mother-in-law Marie turned 97 this month, and to celebrate I made her these beautiful cupcakes. Two of her very favorite things to eat in whole wide world are whipped cream and strawberries, which usually appear at breakfast atop a waffle. So I took her favorites and made these delectable cupcakes to celebrate turning 97. Not many of us will get to live through 97 trips around the sun! It’s a huge accomplishment and the occasion definitely called for a very special sweet treat that has all her favorites!

These cupcakes are what I refer to as a halfway home made recipe. It uses a boxed cake mix but then it’s topped with a delectable, easy to make, light and fluffy home made whipped cream frosting, and decorated with slices of fresh ruby red strawberries. You get the best of both worlds with these halfway homemade cupcakes; the ease and convenience of a boxed cake mix, paired with the best home made frosting ever!!! The whipped cream frosting really takes these cupcakes over the top, and no-one will ever suspect they are made with a boxed cake mix. The frosting is light and fluffy, not too sweet, that holds up well so you can transport them to enjoy later with no dripping, mushy, whipped cream to worry about. Plus, there’s a pleasant, unexpected, yummy surprise inside. Want to know how to make them? Keep reading to find out.

Follow the instructions on the box of cake mix to make 18 cupcakes. Bake according to the package directions. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool to room temperature.

Use a spoon to scoop out the center of each cupcake, reserving scooped out portion.

Here’s where the surprise comes in, lemon curd for the filling. It adds a fresh lovely lemon flavor to the cupcakes.

Place a rounded teaspoon of lemon curd into the hole of each cupcake.

Place the cake you removed with the spoon back onto the cupcake. Press into place to cover the lemon filling.

In the bowl of a stand mixer beat softened cream cheese, sugar and vanilla at high speed until smooth and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes.

Reduce speed to low, add whipping cream.

Slowly increase speed to high and whip until frosting increases in volume and soft peaks begin to form.

Spread a generous layer of frosting onto each cupcake.

Arrange strawberry slices on top.
Place remaining frosting in a plastic bag fitted with a decorative frosting tip and pipe a little frosting onto each cupcake.

Chill until ready to serve.

Happy 97th Birthday Mom! You’re just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside! Everyone who knows you loves your kind heart, sweet smile, and gentle loving nature. We are so blessed to have you in our lives! I can honestly say I have the best mother-in-law in the whole wide world!!!

Happy 97th Birthday Marie! 
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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Remember…Jesus ’s you!