We’ve all had them, tasteless, unappetizing refried beans with the consistency of dry crusty paste. After just one taste they get pushed around the plate until they congeal into an inedible, unappetizing glob of goo. These pinto beans however, are anything but unappetizing, they are absolutely fabulous!!! Plus they are a snap to make.

Not only are they delicious and easy to make, but they are healthy and packed with good for you protein and fiber. Beans are one of mother nature’s healthiest sources of protein. They have no cholesterol, they’re rich in fiber, immensely versatile, incredibly convenient, and very affordable. For whatever reason they are often an overlooked source of protein. For just pennies a serving you can easily feed a hungry family that is well within just about everyone’s budget.

Start by placing beans in a colander and rinse them under cold water.
Add water salt, onion, garlic cloves, and dried peppers to a medium saucepan.

Add rinsed beans to the saucepan. Use a spoon to fish out any beans that float to the top.
Floaters Discard
Add bacon strips.

Cover beans with enough water so that they are completely covered by about 1 inch of water.

Bring to a boil over high heat. Once water comes to a boil, stir well and cover. Reduce heat to low and simmer for about an hour.

Stir and check pan occasionally to make sure beans stay covered in water. Add hot water to the pan if needed.

Cook until beans are soft and creamy but not mushy.

Remove the bacon strips, onion, garlic cloves, and peppers. Discard.
Serve beans hot as a flavorful side with all your favorite Mexican dishes.

Thank you Olga for sharing yet another fabulously delicious, easy to prepare, affordable, healthy recipe.

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For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!
Very nice dish