Helpful Tips That Make It Easy To Host Brunch

I am so very blessed to have some of the best friends a lady could ever ask for. The friends I have made in my weekly ladies Bible study have enriched my life more than almost anything else I can think of, except for my family. These wonderful, beautiful ladies bring unlimited smiles and laughter into my life. The joy their company brings me is immeasurable!

When it worked out that I would be hosting our bible study Bruncheon, I was thrilled!!! I love opening my home to family and friends; the more the better I say! But I know that there are many who are terrified of entertaining a group in their homes. Not everyone feels comfortable hosting a get together. The cleaning, the preparations, the grocery shopping, menu planning, worrying if there will be enough food, worrying if your home is nice enough, big enough…the list goes on and on and on. It can easily become overwhelming and stress you out so much that you never want to host anything, ever!

1. Keep it simple

If you decide to host a brunch the most important tip I can give you is to keep it simple! Consider doing a pot luck and ask everyone to bring something to share. Not only will this take a HUGE burden off your shoulders, it will save your pocket book and it gives your guests the opportunity to bring one of their specialties to share or they can pick up something delicious at the market to bring along.

2. Pick a theme

A brunch buffet is an easy theme and gives everyone an idea of what they can bring. Set up an email chain or texting string so everyone can respond to the group when they decide on what they will be bringing. It lets the rest of your guests see what everyone has committed to bringing and that way you won’t end up with all egg dishes or all pastries. As the hostess I got he ball rolling and let the group know that I would provide the beverages and a special dessert for our get together. The ladies signed up to bring all the rest.

Strawberry, lemon, mint infused water and frosty cold herbal iced tea in large dispensers let guests help themselves.

3. Make a list

Sit down and make list of everything that you can think of that you will need to do to host your get together. Invites, grocery shopping, cleaning, and the food or drinks you want to serve. Write everything down, don’t worry about putting anything in order, just start by writing down everything that pops into your head.

This task alone will remove about 90% of the stress. As you work your way though the list, your stress level will decrease incrementally with every item that gets crossed off.

Use your prettiest containers to hold utensils.

4. Break it down into manageable bites

Now it’s time to organize that list. Here is what my list looked like:

  • Send out invitations
  • Decide on what to serve
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Mop the floors
  • Clean out the refrigerator
  • Go grocery shopping
  • Prep and make food/drinks I’m serving
  • Decide on dishes, glasses and utensils

Once you have your list break it up into small manageable tasks. Don’t wait until the day before to try and get everything done. You will be stressed out and tired when your guests finally arrive. Clean a little each day, set out the dishes beforehand or at least know which ones you will be using. Do the grocery shopping a couple days prior. Prep any of the food you will be serving the day before. If you do a little bit each day you will be relaxed and ready to enjoy your guests when they arrive.

Using your prettiest dishes makes the meal feel extra special.

5. Plan the menu

Decide on what you will provide and let your guests bring the rest. Once you see everything your guests will be bringing you can fill in if there are any “holes” in the menu. I decided to serve a simple yogurt parfait to round out the menu.

Easy and beautiful.

A yogurt parfait is both easy to make and a delicious healthy option for your guests. Plus it looks elegant and beautiful when served in a footed glass bowl. Vanilla Greek yogurt, topped with fresh berries, granola, and honey to drizzle over the top. Be sure to serve the granola on the side and let guests sprinkle it onto their serving so it stays nice and crunchy.

Mother Nature adds a lovely pop of color with fresh berries.

Set up a drink station to allow your guests to help themselves.

Drape a napkin over a tray and set out glasses. A simple way to “pretty up” a drink station.

If you have the space, set up a drink station away from where you will be serving the food. This will reduce the congestion where the food is set out and it’s time to eat.

If you follow these simple tips you can host a get together with a lot less stress and actually enjoy spending time with company when they arrive. The best advice I can give you is to stop worrying about the things you can’t change! Stop obsessing over how big or little your house is. Your guests don’t care! They will have a wonderful time if you are relaxed and engaged. Nobody cares if there’s some dust in the corners and your house isn’t perfect. Focus on spending time with your guests so you fill your home with love and laughter. That is what they will remember, and what a lovely time they had. And that’s the goal isn’t it?

Go on, plan a get together, you can do it! Let go of any fear and anxiety, break down what needs doing into small manageable bites, and relax and enjoy the company of those you love the most. Make some wonderful memories. After all, that’s what truly makes life worth living.

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And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!