I have a confession to make…I spend entirely too much time online perusing recipe videos! I bet I use an inordinate amount of server space with all the recipes I have saved over the years. I will honestly never ever run out of new recipe ideas to try, at least not in my lifetime! Most would call me a foodie. Yes, I’m slightly obsessed with food, or to put it more accurately, I’m obsessed with the avid pursuit of good tasting food. Seriously, if I’m going to go to all the trouble of making a meal it better be a darn good one! Let me tell you, these burgers won’t disappoint!

I love, love, love a good burger. If you do a search you will find several of my very favorite ones on the blog; Best Darn Cheddar Jalapeño Stuffed Burger, Bacon Avocado Marinated Cheeseburgers, The Best French Onion Burgers, Bacon & Cheese Juicy Lucy Stuffed Burgers, Extra Juicy, Super Easy, Mouthwateringly Delicious, Marinated Hamburgers. Just a few of my best, most favorite burgers; all family approved and gobbled up whenever they make an appearance on the table.

When I came across a video on social media on how to make a Crust Burger I just had to give it a try! Typically the taller the burger, and the wider I have to open my mouth to eat it, the better! But don’t let this thinner version fool you. It has a satisfyingly delicious crunch in every crusty, juicy, bite. The best way to describe it? It’s similar to a Patty Melt sandwich, except it’s on a crisp, grilled Potato Bun instead of toasted Rye Bread.

Oh, and did I mention the sauce that you serve with these burgers? Oh the sauce! The sauce ramps up the flavor 1000%. I could bathe in that sauce! It’s that good! With only four basic ingredients, it’s oh so quick and easy to make too!

You are going to need two pieces of kitchen equipment to properly make these burgers. A cast iron skillet or griddle, and an extra large metal spatula like this one. We are going to be smashing the beef into a patty as thin as possible so a nice large, sturdy metal spatula is needed for the best results.

Make the sauce:
In a small bowl, stir together mayonnaise, ketchup, hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Adjust the amounts to suit your tastes. Set aside.

Cook the burgers:
Measure out and form 2 ounce sized meatballs with the ground beef.
TIP: Use a kitchen scale to measure out the beef so you get uniform sized meatballs.

Preheat a cast iron skillet over medium high heat.
Spread butter onto both inside halves of each potato bun.

Place buns, buttered side down, on the skillet.

Cook until toasted and golden brown, smashing the buns flat as they cook with the back of the large metal spatula.

Flip buns and toast the outside of the buns as well, smashing them as flat as a pancake with the spatula as they cook.

Remove the toasted buns from the skillet, and set them aside while you cook the beef patties.
NOTE: The outside of the buns now become the inside of the burgers, and the inside becomes the outside.
After all the buns are toasted, place a meatball in the center of the skillet and use the large spatula to smash the patty as thin as possible. Season the beef patty with salt and pepper.

Once the first side of the patty is crispy and browned, flip it over and season with additional salt and pepper. It will cook quickly, about 2 to 2½ minutes is all it takes.
Top the beef patty with slices of red onion and a slice of American cheese.

Cook until the burger patty is crispy and browned on the second side, about 1 to 1½ minutes.
Transfer the cooked patty to a toasted bun. Top the patty with the other bun. Remember, the insides of the buns are facing out and the outsides are facing in.

Return to the skillet and toast buns for about 30 seconds to a minute per side, or until the cheese is completely melted.

Serve the burgers with the dipping sauce on the side.

Some call me a food blogger since I love cooking, writing about it, and taking an insane amount of pictures to the things I create in my kitchen and then sharing it with the world. But I’m no different than most home cooks who follow my blog. In all honesty, I’m just a self taught home cook. A busy working mom who’s come home from work after a long day with hungry kids to feed and little time or energy at the end of the day. Over the years I got creative. I spent lunch hours at work doing the grocery shopping. I stored the perishables in the fridges at work until the end of the day. A little planning ahead allowed me to consistently get nutritious, quick and easy, good tasting meals on the table for my family. Over the years, I honed my cooking skills from hundreds of cooking mistakes and successes. Food Blogger sounds so pretentious, so unapproachable, so hoity-toity. I like to think of myself as an adventurous food tinkerer arounder in the kitchen.

Try a new recipe like this one this week to expand your culinary skills. Everyone loves a good burger! And this one is easy to execute, and pretty darn tasty too! The best way to learn how to cook is just by doing. Don’t let cooks online intimidate you, just get in there and give it a try. Even if it doesn’t turn out the first time, you will learn some valuable lessons. I learned more from my mistakes over the years than from my successes. You’re going to love these quick and easy to make burgers and so will your family, I promise!
Serve them up with a side of The Crispiest Air Fryer Tater Tots. They cook up in just a few minutes and they are the perfect accompaniment to these burgers. You even have a delectable sauce to dip them into! Gotta love that!

Or what about a side of Mac & Cheese? Get this Classic, Oven Baked, Macaroni & Cheese going in the oven and you’ll be pulling out one of the best comfort foods ever invented by man! It doesn’t get much better than this classic, perennial favorite dish! It’s utter perfection served with a burger!

Looking for something a little healthier to serve up with these burgers? Try this Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato Salad. If you love a BLT sandwich you are going to love, love, love this deconstructed version of your favorite sandwich in this easy to make salad. Everything you’ll find on your beloved BLT sandwich; you’ll find it in this utterly delicious salad.

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“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!