It’s that time of year again. Cold and flu season is back…ugh! No one wants to spend days in bed feeling like crud. Instead of choking down pills to feel better, try this all natural remedy instead. It uses all good for you ingredients that you probably have in your fridge and panty right now.

This elixir has been shown to work as both a preventative and as a remedy. When everyone around you is coming down with sniffles and coughs, start taking a shot each day to ward off the cruddies. This all natural elixir will help strengthen your immune system so you don’t get sick in the first place, but if you do happen come down with a bug, it can help you get over it and feeling a lot better, quicker.

So what’s in this magic elixir your ask? For starters it contains an entire head of garlic. That’s right, an entire head; not a single clove, or two cloves, or even three cloves, but an entire head of garlic.

Garlic contains compounds that have been shown to help the immune system fight germs. The compounds in garlic have been shown to boost the disease fighting response in certain white blood cells when they come across such viruses that cause the common cold or flu.
Peeling an entire head of garlic sounds like a lot of work, but it’s easier and quicker than you might imagine. Place a garlic clove on your work surface. Place the blade of a chef’s knife on top of the garlic clove. Smack the blade of the knife hard with the palm of your hand and smash the clove of garlic. The papery husk will slide right off.

Ginger has been used for centuries to aid in digestion and fight nausea. It’s also been used to help fight the common cold and flu. Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it’s also been shown to have powerful antioxidant properties. It also has anti-microbial properties that can help fight fungal and bacterial infections. Ginger may reduce your overall cancer risk, help lower blood pressure, reduce menstrual pain, treat chronic indigestion, lower blood sugar levels, improve heart disease risk, help with osteoarthritis, treat morning sickness and nausea, and may even help with weight loss. Ginger is pretty amazing stuff!
Did you know that it’s easy to grow ginger? Learn How To Easily Grow Your Own Ginger At Home. That way you will always have a ready supply of organic ginger on hand.

Lemons are high in vitamin C and have been shown to support hearth health, digestive health, aid in weight loss and some studies have shown they provide an almost 60% cancer risk reduction when eaten daily. Lemons have also been shown to help prevent kidney stones, protect against anemia, and improve digestive health. Plus they are delicious! So add a slice of lemon to your water everyday!

Cayenne pepper contains vitamin A which is a necessary component for a well functioning immune system. Studies have shown that ingesting cayenne pepper regularly contributes to an improved ability of the body to absorb certain essential nutrients. The capsaicin found in Cayenne has also been shown to aid in pain relief. That’s welcome pain relief for that achy pain from the flu.

Pineapple is not only delicious but it has numerous health benefits as well. It contains high amounts of vitamin C, manganese and beneficial enzymes that aid in digestion. Pineapple helps boost immunity and reduces cancer risk. Eating just one cup of pineapple chunks provides 109% of your daily dose of manganese, and 88% of your daily dose of vitamin C. Pineapple also contains trace amounts of vitamin A and Zinc; both which have been shown to strengthen the immune system.

Did you know that the skin of a pineapple is loaded with good for you nutrients too? Don’t throw the skin away, use it to Brew Fresh Pineapple Tea. It’s delicious, low calorie, and good for you too. Some folks don’t care for the thick texture of pineapple juice, but you won’t get that in this Pineapple tea. You get all the flavor and health benefits without all the calories or thickness you get from the juice.

Honey is one of the worlds best known natural antibiotics. It’s rich in nutrients and antioxidants, with amazing antibacterial properties. Honey has been shown to reduce coughing in children and improve sleep, plus it tastes amazing!

To make the elixir, place garlic cloves, ginger, lemon juice, pineapple juice, cayenne pepper, and honey in a blender.

Purée on high until completely blended into a smooth frothy liquid.

Store in an airtight bottle.

- Store elixir in an airtight bottle and keep refrigerated.
- Shake bottle and pour out a shot glass sized dose.
- Drink one shot daily as a preventative during cold and flu season.
- If sick with a cold or the flu, take one shot first thing in the morning and one shot in the evening before bed until you’re feeling better.
This cold and flu elixir contains all of these beneficial, good for your body ingredients. There are no toxic chemicals here. You can feel good about taking it and giving it to your loved ones when they are sick. The best part is that you can whip up a batch in just a few minutes at the first sign of a cold or the flu and give your immune system a real boost to help fight off any illness. It will help jump-start the healing process so you are back to your normal self in no time.

If you’re suffering from Covid symptoms give this DIY: Organic Cold & Flu Remedy a try. It contains a component called Quinine that’s derived from the skins of lemons and grapefruits and has been shown to help provide relief from Covid symptoms.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and the information above is not intended as medical advice. The information provided above are only suggestions to help alleviate the milder symptoms that are typically associated with the common cold and seasonal flu. If you are seriously ill, or have other underlying health issues, be sure to seek professional medical advice from your doctor.
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The Lord our God is one Lord. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Remember…Jesus ❤️’s you!