Ode to Dough

Ahh, dough…how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Baked into a loaf of bread, as sourdough, fluffy yeast rolls, as a cake, or cookies, or pastries, as pancakes, waffles, toast. As a fried breading enveloping a favorite morsel? Or the ultimate? Deep fried dough!

Then there is the whole world of savory options, battered onion rings, crispy fried chicken, chicken pot pie, the list is too long to mention them all. Be still my beating heart! Is there anything better in the whole wide world than fried dough?

Go on, I’ll give you a minute to try and come up with something…🤔

I realize I have posted quite a few dough recipes here on Nature Way. It is abundantly clear that I am a carb loving addict. I am definitely not a keto kinda girl. I am firmly embedded in the “Bread is the staff of life” camp.

I’m sure you’ve seen the posts on social media asking if you were stranded on a deserted island what is the one food you would want? Hello people…ask for flour! So you can bake stuff!!! Or ask for tacos, I love me a good taco !

If you are a carb loving fool like me then you are going to enjoy this post! I have rounded up all the top favorite dough friendly posts on Nature Way and compiled it into one list for you.

We all have some extra time on our hands right now, so why not use some of that free time to learn something new?

Remember the song by Styx from the 80’s, Too Much Time On My Hands? Great, now I can’t get that darn song out of my head, ugh! Sorry, I digress…

It’s the perfect time to try a new recipe or give bread baking from scratch a try! Once you have baked your first loaf of bread, you will be hooked! There is something extremely satisfying about pulling out a beautiful loaf of bread from the oven that you made all by yourself, completely from scratch! It’s a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

Then you get to eat your creation! Is there anything better than cutting into a freshly baked loaf, spreading on a thick layer of soft butter and taking that first big bite? Wash it down with a nice glass of wine, and you will be about as close to heaven as you can get here on earth.

Do you have a kid like mine that has disappeared into their room attached to their video game console for days on end? Lure them out of their rooms with some freshly baked cookies right out of the oven! I promise they will emerge when you have a batch of cookies baking in the oven. You won’t need threats of restriction from video games, coaxing, arguing or bribery. It’s like the aroma grabs them by their nostrils and floats them out of their rooms down the stairs and into the kitchen. It’s a magical force they can’t seem to resist.

Now if I could just figure out what to bake that will compel my son to clean his room. Hmm…I’ll have to get back to you later on that…

Drumroll please…my list of favorites with links to the recipes. Warning, it’s a long list!!!

The Sweets:

My personal favorite cookie in the world!
You can’t go wrong with this classic!
Yes these really are irresistible!
A classic that’s been popular for generations.

Apple pie, an iconic American favorite, with a cinnamony twist.
A classic German pastry recipe I learned from my Aunt.
Apples, cinnamon, fried dough…It doesn’t get much better than this!
A light refreshing cake that is sure to please!
Plain looking and often overlooked, but one of my all time favorites!
For all you pumpkin spice fans. You don’t have to wait for Fall to make these. They are good any time of the year!
A beautiful sweet bread that’s easier to make than it looks.

The Savories:

A great recipe and easy technique for those new to baking bread.
This is how bread was baked for centuries.
A great way to use up excess sourdough starter!
These rolls are so easy to make you can enjoy them anytime!
A classic Hungarian delight!
How about some light fluffy biscuits? Just add gravy!
Combining dough with cheese? Umm…YES please!
An easy bread that’s a great side with almost anything.
A tasty bread that doesn’t require yeast, and it’s fried. Nuf said.
Bake up this savory loaf any night of the week.
A deep fried sandwich? Yes it’s true and here’s the recipe.
I am legend for this recipe!
Fried bread & cheese, a classic combination that everyone loves!!!

Breakfast Classics:

My families personal favorite breakfast.
A delicious way to use sourdough starter.

Main Dish Favorites:

There’s a reason this is one of the most popular German recipes ever. The crispy breaded crust makes it irresistibly delicious!
Another breaded morsel of deliciousness for chicken.
No list would be complete without this classic!

I told you it was a long list!

Where to start? I know, it’s a tough decision. Trust me, no matter which one of these recipes you decide to try, it will instantly become a family favorite at your house too.

So which one are you going to try first? If you make any of them, don’t forget to comment and leave a review, or tag me on Instagram so I can see it!